The Hijri Lab

Jee Eun Kang, PhD Student
Contact information:
Phone: (418) 800-8882
Education and previous employment:
Ph.D. student in bioinformatics at the Univ. of Montreal
Master degree in Biotechnology (Subtrack: bioinformatics) from the Univ. of Pennsylvania
Bachelor degree in Biochemistry and GCB (Genetics and Cell Biology) from the Univ. of Minnesota
Previous employment: Nutraceutical companies (Licensing specialist), CJ Pharma (Licensing specialist) and Univ. of Minnesota (M.S. Research Associate)
Java Web Application:
Research interests:
My research interests include development of bioinformatics tools to analyze AMF sequence and experiment data. I would like to develop bioinformatics tools to study various mechanisms of mitochondrial genomes, such as what roles repeats such as tandem repeats and small inverted repeats (SIRs) may play in gene regulations, metagenomics from various experiments, interactions of AMF and bacteria/ plants, gene expressions and interactions of AMF with bacteria/ plants under extremely stressful environments.
My research advisors are Prof. Hijri whose expertise is in AMF biology, Prof. Ciampi in statistics, and Prof. Matuszek in computer sciences.
I will update details of my research topics after September. Kindly check back later.