The Hijri Lab

Lab Members

Mohamed Hijri, Full Professor
Dr. Hijri obtained his BSc in 1994 in Cell Biology (option: Plant Science and Biotechnology), and his MSc in 1995 in Biochemistry, Molecular and Cell Biology at the University of Burgundy (Dijon, France). His MSc research project was a study of the cytogenetics of the pea plant (Pisum sativum L.) by karyotyping and characterizing ribosomal DNA on pea chromosomes using Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). His MSc research was conducted at the INRA Dijon Centre under the supervision of Dr Mona Darmency.
He obtained his PhD in Biochemistry, Molecular and Cell Biology (option: Molecular Genetics) at the University of Burgundy (Dijon, France) in 1999. His PhD project aimed to study the organization of the genetic polymorphism of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Scutellospora castanea under the supervision of Prof. Hubert Dulieu at the INRA Dijon Centre.
In 1999, Dr. Hijri joined the lab of Dr. Ian Sanders at the University of Basel (Switzerland) as a postdoctoral fellow and worked on molecular genetics and the evolution of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. He then moved with the Sanders Lab to the University of Lausanne (Switzerland) in 2000 and continued as a postdoctoral fellow until 2005. Dr. Hijri then joined the IRBV and the Département de Sciences Biolsogique of the Université de Montréal in September 2005 as an assistant professor, and was promoted to associate professor in June 2010, followed by Full Professor promotion in June 2016.
Current lab Members
Postdoctoral fellows
PhD Students
Soon-jae Lee
Laurence Daubois
Jee Eun Kang
co-sup. A. Ciampi
MSc Students
Fahad Al Otaibi,
co-sup. M. St-Arnaud
Dimitri Dagher
co-sup. F. Pitre
Maxime Fortin-Faubert
co-sup. M. Labrecque

Alexandre Gondreau
co-sup. V. Makarenkov

Former lab Members.

Abdelghani El Yassimi, Postdoc (2010-2012). (Projet GenoRem).

Mulan Dai, Postdoc completed (Feb 2015 - April 2016).

My Pham Thi Thanh, Postdoc completed (May 2014 - August 2015).

Eva Boon, Ph.D. finished in 2012. Evolution de la variation génomique chez le champignon mycorhizien à arbuscules Glomus irregulare.

HanQi Yang, Visiting Scientist in 2012. Professor in Dep. of Plant Ecology, Chenese Academy of Forestry, Kunming, Yunnan, China.

Youssef Ismail, Ph.D. finished in 2011. Molecular interactions of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi with mycotoxin-producing fungi and their role in plant defense responses.

Saad El-Din Hassan, Ph.D. finished in 2011 (co-sup M. St-Arnaud). Molecular biodiversity of microbial communities in polluted soils and their role in soil phytoremediation.

David Denis, Research Assistant (co-supervision M. St-Arnaud; 2012-2015)

Julie Marleau, M.Sc. finished in 2011. Reproduction et échanges génétiques horizontaux chez les champignons mycorhiziens à arbuscules.

Julie Lecomte, M.Sc. finished in 2010 (co-sup M. St-Arnaud). Étude de l’interaction entre le champignon mycorhizien Glomus irregulare et les bactéries du sol.

Dhritiman Chanda, Visiting Scholar (2012-2013). PhD Assam University, India.

Erin Zimmerman, M.Sc. finished in 2009 (co-supervision M. St-Arnaud). Extent of intra-isolate genetic polymorphism in Glomus etunicatum using a molecular genetic approach.

Rachid Lahlali, postdoc (2008-2008). Biocontrol fungal endophytes against Rhizoctonia solani on potato plants.

Nadia Zéramdini, M.Sc. finished in 2009 (co-supervisioon. M. St-Arnaud).

Taha Abd El Rahman, Postdoc (May 2013-June 2015).
Alice Roy-Bolduc, PhD completed in 2016.
Bachir Iffis, PhD completed in 2016.