The Hijri Lab

How to join our Lab?
We are a dynamic, enthusiastic, multidisciplinary and international research team. Our lab is located in one of the best places you can ever find, the Montreal Botanical Garden, which is among the biggest in the world. Our biodiversity center is fully supplied with state of the art equipment and we regularly hire graduate students and postdoctoral fellows with research experience. If you are interested in joining the lab, you can follow the below instructions on how to proceed.

Graduate Students
Biodiversity Center of the University of Montreal
We encourage applicants to send an email to Dr Hijri, introducing themself, their academic records and their research experience with a resume or CV. We only consider graduate students that have an excellent academinc backgroud in addition to research experience. We welcome students with their own scholarships. For those that do not have funding, we encourage them to apply for funding opportunities through the Université de Montréal or other funding agencies.
For Canadians and permanent residents of Canada:
Fonds de recherche du Québec – Nature et technologies (FQRNT)
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, (NSERC)
There are also some fundings opportunites for foreign students, but they are highly competitive. You can find further informatin on the NSERC and FQRNT websites.

Postdoctoral fellows
We are always interested in hearing from excellent postdoctoral researchers and we always welcome postdoctoral fellows if they have their own funding. Fundings is very limited and is highly competitive. If the lab has funded positions available, the advertisements will be posted on this site as well as on other web sites such as EvolDir and IRBV. However, If you have an excellent publication record and innovative ideas, we can help you to figure out funding opportunities.