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The Hijri Lab

News and Events
Recent Completed marathons:
Boston (MA), April 18th 2016: time 2h57 min
Albany (NY) October 11th 2015: time 2h58 min
Montreal (QC) September 20th 2015: time 2h54 min
Défi des Colines (QC) August 31 (30 km) 2015, 2h05 min
Ottawa (ON) May 24th 2015: time 3h02 min
Boston (MA), April 20th 2015: time 2h54 min
Marrakech (Morocco) January 25th 2015, time: 2h58 min
M. Hijri running in Marathon of Montreal, Sept 28, 2014, completed in 2H58min,
Rancked 4th in cat, 24th overall.
M. Hijri running in half Marathon of Quebec (Aug. 30, 2014).

M. Hijri running in half Marathon of Ottawa (May 25, 2014). completed in 2H58min.

Lab members, peoples of the biodiversity centre, IRBV and Cerche des Mycologues de Montréal in mushroom foray in Chute Sainte-Ursule.
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