The Hijri Lab

Refereed scientific publications, Lab members are in Bold. (request PDF from
Floc’h J-B, Hamel C, Lupwayi N, Harker KN, Hijri M, St-Arnaud M (2020) Bacterial Communities of the Canola Rhizosphere: Network Analysis Reveals a Core Bacterium Shaping Microbial Interactions. Frontiers in Microbiology, 11:1587.doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2020.01587
Dagher DJ, Pitre FE, Hijri M (2020) Ectomycorrhizal Fungal Inoculation of Sphaerosporella brunnea Significantly Increased Stem Biomass of Salix miyabeana and Decreased Lead, Tin, and Zinc, Soil Concentrations during the Phytoremediation of an Industrial Landfill. Journal of Fungi, 6, 87.
Lee S-J, Kong M, St-Arnaud M, Hijri M (2020) Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungal Communities of Native Plant Species under High Petroleum Hydrocarbon Contamination Highlights Rhizophagus as a Key Tolerant Genus. Microorganisms, 8, 872.
Wang L, Gan Y, Bainard L, Hamel C, St-Arnaud M, Hijri M (2020) Expression of N‐cycling genes of root microbiomes provides insights for sustaining oilseed crop production. Environmental Microbiology, DOI: 10.1111/1462-2920.15161
Renaut S, Daoud R, Masse J, Vialle A, Hijri M (2020) Inoculation with Rhizophagus irregularis Does Not Alter Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungal Community Structure within the Roots of Corn, Wheat, and Soybean Crops. Microorganisms, 8, 83.
Dagher DJ, de la Providencia IE, Pitre FE, St-Arnaud M, Hijri M (2020) Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungal Assemblages Significantly Shifted upon Bacterial Inoculation in Non-Contaminated and Petroleum-Contaminated Environments. Microorganisms, 8, 602.
Morvan S, Meglouli H, Lounès-Hadj Sahraoui A, Hijri M (2020) Into the wild blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium) rhizosphere microbiota. Environmental Microbiology,
Kang JE, Ciampi, A & Hijri M (2020) Sesame: Metagenome Sequence Classification of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Associated Microorganisms. Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics, DOI: 10.1101/2020.05.20.106559
Kang JE, Ciampi, A & Hijri M (2020) Sesame PS Function: Functional Analysis of Symbiotic Microbes of the Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi. Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics, DOI: 10.1101/2020.05.20.107235
Meglouli H, Fontaine J, Verdin A, Magnin-Robert M, Tisserant B, Hijri M, Lounès-Hadj Sahraoui A (2019) Aided Phytoremediation to Clean Up Dioxins/Furans-Aged Contaminated Soil: Correlation between Microbial Communities and Pollutant Dissipation. Microorganisms, 7, 523
Dagher D, de la Providencia I, Pitre F, St-Arnaud M, Hijri M (2019) Plant identity shaped rhizospheric microbial communities more strongly than bacterial bioaugmentation in petroleum hydrocarbon-polluted sediments. Frontiers in Microbiology 10:2144 doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2019.02144
Renaut S, Masse J, Norrie JP, Blal B, Hijri M (2019) A commercial seaweed extract structured microbial communities associated with tomato and pepper roots and significantly increased crop yield. Microbial Biotechnology, 12(6), 1346–1358. doi: 10.1111/1751-7915.13473
Lee SJ, Morse D, Hijri M (2019) Holobiont chronobiology: mycorrhiza may be a key to linking aboveground and underground rhythms. Mycorrhiza, 29, 403–412. doi: 10.1007/s00572-019-00903-4
Gondeau A, Aouabed Z, Hijri M, Peres-Neto P, Makarenkov V. (2019) Object weighting: a new clustering approach to deal with outliers and cluster overlap in computational biology. IEEE/ACM Trans Comput Biol Bioinform. doi: 10.1109/TCBB.2019.2921577
Robichaud K, Stewart K, Labrecque M, Hijri M, Cherewyk J, Amyot M. (2019) An ecological microsystem to treat waste oil contaminated soil: Using phytoremediation assisted by fungi and local compost, on a mixed-contaminant site, in a cold climate. Science of Total Environment 672:732-742.
Robichaud K, Girard C, Dagher D, Stewart K, Labrecque M, Hijri M, Amyot M. (2019)Local fungi, willow and municipal compost effectively remediate petroleum-contaminated soil in the Canadian North. Chemosphere 220:47-55.
- Meglouli H, Lounès-Hadj Sahraoui A, Magnin-Robert M, Tisserant B, Hijri M & Fontaine J (2018) Arbuscular mycorrhizal inoculum sources influence bacterial, archaeal, and fungal communities' structures of historically dioxin/furan-contaminated soil but not the pollutant dissipation rate. Mycorrhiza 28(7):635-650.
Lee SJ, Kong M, Morse D & Hijri M (2018). Expression of putative circadian clock components in the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Rhizoglomus irregulare. Mycorrhiza 28(5-6): 523-534.
Hijri M and Bâ A (2018) Editorial: Mycorrhiza in Tropical and Neotropical Ecosystems. Frontiers Plant Science 9:308. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.00308 Open access
Lee SJ, Kong M, Harrison P & Hijri M (2018). Conserved proteins of the RNA interference system in the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Rhizoglomus irregulare provide new insight into the evolutionary history of Glomeromycota. Genome Biology and Evolution, 10(1): 328-343. Open access
Marchand M, Mench M, Jani Y, Kaczala F, Notini P, Hijri M & Hogland M (2018) Field pilot scale aided-phytoremediation of a soil contaminated by petroleum hydrocarbons and metals. Science of the Total Environment, 618:753-764.
Bidartondo MI & Hijri M (2018) The Ninth International Conference on Mycorrhiza in Prague: across mycorrhizal symbioses from molecules to global scales. Mycorrhiza 28(2):203-205.
Iffis B, St-Arnaud M & Hijri M (2017). Petroleum Contamination and Plant Identity Influence Soil and Root Microbial Communities While AMF Spores Retrieved from the Same Plants Possess Markedly Different Communities. Frontiers in Plant Science 8: 1381. Open accesss
Chanda D, Sharma GD, Jha DK & Hijri M (2017) Tolerance of Microorganisms in Soil Contaminated with Trace Metals: An Overview. Recent advances in Applied Microbiology, 165-193.
Marchand M, St-Arnaud M, Hogland W, Bell TH, & Hijri M (2017) Petroleum biodegradation capacity of bacteria and fungi isolated from petroleum-contaminated soil. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 116: 48-57.
Roy-Bolduc A, Laliberté E, Boudreau S & Hijri M (2016). Strong linkage between plant and soil fungal communities along a successional coastal dune system. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 12(7): 685.
Iffis B, St-Arnaud M & Hijri M (2016). Petroleum hydrocarbon contamination, plant identity and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal community determine assemblages of the AMF spore-associated microbes. Environmental Microbiology 18(8): 2689-2704.
Bell T, Stefani FOP, Abram K, Champagne J, Yergeau E, Hijri M, & St-Arnaud M (2016). A diverse soil microbiome degrades more crude oil than specialized bacterial assemblages obtained in culture. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 82(18): 5530-5541.
Nadimi M, Stefani FOP, & Hijri M (2016) The large (134.9 kb) mitochondrial genome of the glomeromycete Funneliformis mosseae. Mycorrhiza 26(7): 747-755.
Zarik L, Meddich A, Hijri M, Hafidi M, Ouhammou A, Ouahmane L, Duponnois R, & Boumezzough A (2016) Use of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi to improve the throught tolerance of Cupressus atlantica G. C R Biol. pii: S1631-0691(16) 30032-4. doi: 10.1016/j.crvi.2016.04.009.
Badri A, Stefani FOP, Lachance G, Roy-Arcand L, Beaudet D, Vialle A, & Hijri M (2016) Molecular diagnostic toolkit for Rhizophagus irregularis isolate DAOM-197198 using quantitative PCR assay targeting the mitochondrial genome. Mycorrhiza 26(7): 721-733.
Marchand M, Hogland W, Kaczala F, Jani Y, Marchand L, Augustsson A, & Hijri M (2016). Effect of Medicago sativa L. and compost on organic and inorganic pollutant removal from a mixed contaminated soil and risk assessment using ecotoxicological tests. International Journal of Phytoremediation 18(11): 1136-1147.
Bourdel B, Roy-Bolduc A, St-Arnaud M & Hijri M (2016). Concentration of petroleum hydrocarbon contamination shapes fungal endophytic community structure in plant roots. Frontiers in Microbiology, 7:685. Open access
Hijri M (2016). Analysis of a large dataset form field mycorrhizal inoculation trials on potato showed highly significant increase in yield. Mycorrhiza, 26(3): 209-214.
Nadimi M, Daubois L, & Hijri M (2016). Mitochondrial comparative genomics and phylogenetic signal assessment of mtDNA among arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 98: 74-83.
Daubois L, Beaudet D, Hijri M, & de la Providencia IE (2016). Independent mitochondrial and nuclear exchanges arising in Rhizophagus irregularis crossed-isolates support the presence of a mitochondrial segregation mechanism. BMC Microbiology 16(11). Open access
Roy-Bolduc A, Laliberté E, & Hijri M (2016). High richness of ectomycorrhizal fungi and low host specificity in a coastal sand dune ecosystem revealed by network analysis. Ecology and Evolution, 6(1): 349-362. Open access
Roy-Bolduc A, Bell TH, Boudreau S & Hijri M (2015). Comprehensive sampling of an isolated dune system demonstrates clear patterns in soil fungal communities across a successional gradient. Environmental Microbiology Reports 7(6): 839-848. Open access
de la Providencia I, Stéfani FOP, Labridy M, St-Arnaud M, & Hijri M (2015). Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal diversity associated with Eleocharis obtusa and Panicum capillare growing in an extreme petroleum hydrocarbon-polluted sedimentation basin. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 362(12):fnv081.
Stefani FOP, Bell TH, Marchand C, de la Providencia IE, El Yassimi A, St-Arnaud M & Hijri M (2015). Culture-dependent and independent methods capture different microbial community fractions in hydrocarbon-contaminated soils. PLoS One, 10(6): e0128272. Open access
Thi Thanh MP, Pino Rodriguez NJ, Hijri M & Sylvestre M (2015). Optimizing polychlorinated biphenyl degradation by flavonoids-induced cells of the rhizobacterium Rhodococcus erythropolis U23A. PLoS One, 10(5): e0126033. Open access
Hafidi M, Qaddoury A, Duponnois R, Wipf D, Hijri M, & Bâ A (2015). International Congress on Mycorrhizae: mycorrhizal symbiosis a key factor for improving plant productivity and ecosystems restoration. Mycorrhiza 25(8): 673-674.
Boon E, Halary S, Bapteste E & Hijri M (2015). Studying Genome Heterogeneity within the Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungal Cytoplasm. Genome Biology and Evolution, 7(2): 505-521. Open access
Beaudet D, de la Providencia IE, Labridy M, Roy-Bolduc A, Daubois D & Hijri M (2015). Intra-isolate mitochondrial genetic polymorphism and gene variants co-expression in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Genome Biology and Evolution, 7(1): 218-227. Open access
Nadimi M, Stefani FOP, & Hijri M (2015). The mitochondrial genome of the glomeromycete Rhizophagus sp. DAOM 213198 reveals an unusual organization consisting of two circular chromosomes. Genome Biology and Evolution, 7(1) 96-105. Open access
Iffis B, St-Arnaud M & Hijri M (2014). Bacteria associated with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi within roots of plants growing in a soil highly contaminated with aliphatic and aromatic petroleum hydrocarbons. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 358: 44-54.
Chanda D, Sharma GD, Jha DK & Hijri M (2014). The Potential Use of Arbuscular Mycorrhiza in the Cultivation of Medicinal Plants in Barak Valley, Assam: A Review. Current World Environment, 9(2): 544-551.
Hassan SE, Bell T, Stefani FOP, Denis D, Hijri M, Yergeau E & St-Arnaud M (2014). Contrasting the community structure of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi from hydrocarbon-contaminated and uncontaminated soils following willow (Salix spp. L.) planting. PLoS ONE, 9(7): e102838. Open access
Chanda D, Sharma GD, Jha DK & Hijri M (2014). Associations of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal (AM) fungi in the phytoremediation of trace metal (TM) contaminated soils. Journal of Research in Biology 4(2): 1247-1263.
Bell T, Hassan SE, Lauron-Moreau A, Al-Otaibi F, Hijri M, Yergeau E, & St-Arnaud M (2014). Linkage between bacterial and fungal rhizosphere communities in hydrocarbon-contaminated soils is related to plant phylogeny. The ISME Journal 8(2): 331-343.
Sharma G. D, Hijri M, Chanda D, & Jha DK (2014). Isolation and Screening of Some Filamentous Fungi with Various Trace Metals. Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol. IV, Issue II. Open access
Chanda D, Sharma GD, Jha DK, Hijri M & Al-Otaibi F (2014). Isolation and characterization of Chitinophaga sp. from paper mill polluted soil. International Journal of Scientific Research 3 (12).
Chanda D, Sharma GD, Jha DK, Hijri M & Al-Otaibi F (2014). Isolation and characterization of heavy metal resistant Cellulosicmicrobioum sp. From paper mill polluted soil. International Journal of Bioassays 4 (01): 3648-3653.
Boon E, Zimmerman E, St-Arnaud M & Hijri M (2013). Allelic differences within and among sister spores of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus etunicatum suggest segregation at sporulation. PLoS One 8(12): e83301. Open access
Tisserant E, Malbreil M, Kuo A, Kohler A, et al. (2013). The genome of an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus provides insights into the oldest plant symbiosis. PNAS 110(50): 20117-20122.
Halary S, Daubois L, Terrat Y, Ellenberger S, Wöstemeyer J, & Hijri M (2013) Mating Type Gene Homologues and Putative Sex Pheromone-Sensing Pathway in Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi, a Presumably Asexual Plant Root Symbiont. PLoS One 8(11): e80729. Open access
Ismail Y, McCormick S, & Hijri M (2013). The arbuscular Mycorrhizal fungus, Glomus irregulare controls the mycotoxin production of Fusarium sambucinum in the pathogenesis of Potato. FEMS Microbiology Letters 384: 46-51.
Beaudet D, Terrat Y, Halary S, de la Providencia IE, & Hijri M (2013). Mitochondrial genome rearrangements in Glomus species triggered by homologous recombination between distinct mtDNA haplotypes. Genome Biology and Evolution 5(9): 1628-1643. Open access
de la Providencia IE, Nadimi M, Beaudet D, Rodriguez Morales G, & Hijri M (2013). Detection of a transient mitochondrial DNA heteroplasmy in the progeny of crossed genetically divergent isolates of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. New Phytologist 200: 211-221.
Hassan SE, Hijri M, & St-Arnaud M (2013). Effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on trace metal uptake by sunflower plants grown on cadmium contaminated soil. New Biotechnology 30 (6): 780-787.
Hassan SE, Liu A, Bittman S, Forge, TA Hunt DE, Hijri M, & St-Arnaud M (2013). Impact of 12-year field treatments with organic and inorganic fertilizers on crop productivity and mycorrhizal community structure. Biology and Fertility of Soils 49: 1109-1121.
Beaudet D, Nadimi M, Iffis B, & Hijri M (2013). Rapid Mitochondrial Genome Evolution through Invasion of Mobile Elements in Two Closely Related Species of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi. PLoS One 8(4): e60768. Open access
Ismail Y, & Hijri M (2012). Arbuscular mycorrhisation with Glomus irregulare induces expression of potato PR homologues genes in response to infection by Fusarium sambucinum. Functional Plant Biology 39 (3): 236-245.
Tisserant E, Kohler A, Dozolme-Seddas P, Balestrini R, Benabdellah K, et al. (2012). The transcriptome of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus intraradices (DAOM 197198) reveals functional tradeoffs in an obligate symbiont. New Phytologist 193: 755-769.
Nadimi M, Beaudet D, Forget L, Hijri M, & Lang BF (2012). Group I intron-mediated trans-splicing in mitochondria of Gigaspora rosea and a robust phylogenetic affiliation of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi with Mortierellales. Molecular Biology and Evolution 29: 2199-2210.
Marleau J, Dalpe Y, St-Arnaud M, & Hijri M (2011). Spore development and nuclear inheritance in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. BMC Evolutionary Biology 11: 51. Open access
Lecomte J, St-Arnaud M, & Hijri M (2011). Isolation and identification of soil bacteria growing at the expense of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. FEMS Microbiology Letters 317: 43-51.
Roy-Bolduc A, & Hijri, M (2011). The use of mycorrhizae to enhance phosphorus uptake: a way out the phosphorus crisis. Journal of Biofertilizers & Biopesticides, 2: 104. Open access
Marleau J, Dalpe Y, St-Arnaud M, & Hijri M (2011) Correction: Spore development and nuclear inheritance in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. BMC Evolutionary Biology 11: 97. Open access
Ismail Y, McCormick S, & Hijri M (2011). A fungal symbiont of plant-roots modulates mycotoxin gene expression in the pathogen Fusarium sambucinum. PLoS One 6: e17990. Open access
Hassan SE, Boon E, St-Arnaud M, & Hijri M (2011). Molecular biodiversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in trace metal-polluted soils. Molecular Ecology 20: 3469-3483.
Halary S, Malik S-B, Lildhar L, Slamovits CH, Hijri M, & Corradi N (2011). Conserved meiotic machinery in Glomus spp., a putatively ancient asexual fungal lineage. Genome Biology and Evolution 3: 950-958. Open access
Lahlali R, & Hijri M (2010) Screening, identification and evaluation of potential biocontrol fungal endophytes against Rhizoctonia solani AG3 on potato plants. FEMS Microbiology Letters 311: 152-159.
Boon E, Zimmerman E, Lang BF, & Hijri M (2010). Intra-isolate genome variation in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi persists in the transcriptome. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 23: 1519-1527.
Thangadurai, D, Busso, CA, & Hijri M (2010) Mycorrhizal Biotechnology. 226 p. Science Publishers.
Hassan S, Labrecque, M, St-Arnaud M, & Hijri M (2010). Prospects of Plants and Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in Phytoremediation of Heavy Metal Contaminated Soil. In: Mycorrhizal Biotechnology. Thangadurai D, Busso CA, & Hijri M (Eds). Bioscience Publications.
Ismail Y, & Hijri M (2010). Plant-Microbe Interactions and Mechanism of Disease Resistance in Plants. In: Mycorrhizal Biotechnology. Thangadurai D, Busso CA, & Hijri M (Eds). Bioscience Publications.
Lang BF, & Hijri M (2009). The complete Glomus intraradices mitochondrial genome sequence-a milestone in mycorrhizal research. New Phytologist 183: 3-6.
Hijri M (2009). The use of fluorescent in situ hybridization in plant fungal identification and genotyping. Methods in Molecular Biology 508: 131-145.
Zimmerman E, St-Arnaud M, & Hijri M (2009). Sustainable Agriculture and the Multigenomic Model: How Advances in the Genetics of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi will Change Soil Management Practices (p. 269-287). In: Molecular Plant-microbe interactions. Bouarab K. Brisson N. and Daayf F. (Eds). CAB International.
Martin F, Gianinazzi-Pearson V, Hijri M, Lammers P, Requena N, Sanders IR, Shachar-Hill Y, Shapiro H, Tuskan GA, & Young JP. (2008). The long hard road to a completed Glomus intraradices genome. New Phytologist 180: 747-750.
Hijri M, Niculita H, & Sanders IR (2007). Molecular characterization of chromosome termini of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus intraradices (Glomeromycota). Fungal Genetics and Biology 44: 1380-1386.
Hijri M, & Sanders IR (2005). Low gene copy number shows that arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi inherit genetically different nuclei. Nature 433: 160-163.
Hijri M, Sanders IR (2004) The arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus intraradices is haploid and has a small genome size in the lower limit of eukaryotes. Fungal Genetics and Biology 41: 253-261.
Corradi N, Hijri M, Fumagalli L, & Sanders IR (2004) Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (Glomeromycota) harbour ancient fungal tubulin genes that resemble those of the chytrids (Chytridiomycota). Fungal Genetics and Biology: 41: 1037-1045.
Bariola PA, Retelska D, Stasiak A, Kammerer RA, Fleming A, Hijri M, Frank S & Farmer EE (2004) Remorins form a novel family of coiled coil-forming oligomeric and filamentous proteins associated with apical, vascular and embryonic tissues in plants. Plant Molecular Biology 55: 579-594.
Hijri M, Redecker D, Petetot JAM-C, Voigt K, Wöstemeyer J, & Sanders IR (2002). Identification and isolation of two ascomycete fungi from spores of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 68: 4567-4573.
Hijri* M, Kuhn* G, & Sanders IR (2001). Evidence for the evolution of multiple genomes in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Nature 414: 745-748. *Dual first co-authored publication.
Redecker D, Hijri M, Dulieu H, & Sanders IR (1999). Phylogenetic analysis of a dataset of fungal 5.8S rDNA sequences shows that highly divergent copies of internal transcribed spacers reported from Scutellospora castanea are of ascomycete origin. Fungal Genetics and Biology 28: 238-244.
Hosny M, Hijri M, Passerieux E, & Dulieu H (1999) rDNA units are highly polymorphic in Scutellospora castanea (glomales, zygomycetes). Gene 226: 61-71.
Hijri M, Hosny M, van Tuinen D, & Dulieu H (1999). Intraspecific ITS polymorphism in Scutellospora castanea (Glomales, Zygomycota) is structured within multinucleate spores. Fungal Genetics and Biology 26: 141-151.